👩⚕️ Vivapp

Vivapp is an application to support you on a daily basis in changing your lifestyle.
- Select a certified coach to fit your needs and expectations.
- Contact him/her whenever you need it.
- Set your own health and well-being goals.
- Make progress every day with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a recognized and effective method.
Digital Factory
The application was created as part of the Digital Factory, a digital lab of Groupe Mutuel whose mission was to provide the Swiss market with innovative digital solutions in the prevention and treatment of diseases, and to ease access to healthcare.
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Technical details
Vivapp is a set of 6 applications:
The public application, intended for users. It's a hybrid (mobile and web) application.
Vivapp Coach
The application intended for coaches.
Vivapp Admin
The administration portal that allows the management of users, coaches, payments, etc.
Vivapp Landing Page
Showcase website for the application with a blog and newsletter.
Vivapp Video
Application for audio/video calls between the coach and coachee on the web version of the application.
Vivapp Backend
The backend common to the applications.
External services used
- Twilio: For audio and video communications between coaches and their patients
- OnSched: For the configuration of coaches' schedules and appointment bookings
- OneTrust: For the management of cookies, consent and legal texts
- Mailchimp: For registering users to mailing lists (newsletter, marketing emails, ...)
- Dacadoo : For the calculation of users' health scores
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP): For
- storing application data. Firestore
- storing application's media files. Cloud storage
- Cloud functions called as HTTP endpoints, scheduled, or triggered by events posted on pub/sub topics
- authentication. Firebase authentication
- hosting of the web versions. Firebase hosting
- analysis of user interactions within the application. Firebase analytics
- push notifications. Firebase cloud messaging
- in-app notifications. Firebase in-app messaging
Project Management
The Vivapp project was developed using an agile method, with two-week sprints. Every day, the team would gather for a few minutes during the daily meeting to discuss each person's progress or achievements, the work planned for the day, and any issues encountered. At the end of each sprint, there was a production release, a product demo, and a team retrospective to discuss what worked well, what didn't, and to implement corrective actions for three improvement points selected by the majority vote of the team members. During each sprint, there was also a sprint planning and a sprint review. The sprint planning, led by the Product Owner, aimed to select tasks from the backlog for the next sprint and estimate their complexity using the Fibonacci sequence. A task ready to be selected for a sprint must have a Definition of Ready and a Definition of Done. Every two weeks, a developer from the team participated in a session with the UX team to review the Figma mockups and give their feedback and improvement ideas.
Application startup and shutdown
Applications development lasted for 1 year.
For testing purpose, a beta version only installable by invitation was launched in June 2021.
The official and public launch in the stores took place on October 1st, 2021.
Vivapp was discontinued on February 1st, 2022.