📥 CCCVs-Transfer

End-of-apprenticeship project conducted at the Social Compensation Funds of Canton of Valais

Vaadin 6
Java 7

This project was my "TPI" (Travail Pratique Individuel), which is the culminating hands-on project undertaken at the end of the 4-year Swiss apprenticeship. It is carried out in a company and is crucial for obtaining the "CFC" (Swiss Federal Vocational Diploma), which grants the title of "IT Specialist CFC".

CCCVs-Transfer is a web application with an intuitive user interface designed for secure transfer of large documents between the compensation fund and its partners.

It was a project that put into practice knowledge in various areas of computer science: programming, network, security, optimization, project management, user experience, internationalization.

Technologies used
  • Coded in Java, using the Vaadin framework.
  • Run on a Tomcat server.
  • MySQL database.

Discover the application

1. Registration / login

The user type his email and password to login or register.
If the user didn't exist (registration), a validation email is sent

2. Adding new contacts to address book

After its first login, the user must add contacts to his address book
Address Book

3. File upload

First define the name and lifetime of the folder that will contain the files
Select the contacts with whom to share the folder
Drag'n drop or select files to upload
Wait for file upload
Once the upload is complete, we can manage the files
We can rename them and add a description
The folder was successfully created
You can download your files, the folder, or get a share link

4. Downloading files

The recipient received an email containing a link to download the folder

5. Logging actions performed on the folder

When a recipient download a file or the folder, the action is logged. The folder author can view the log of actions performed on its folder

6. Admin interface

User management
Full log of all actions performed int the app by users