💞 PolyLove

Team project, completed as part of the EPFL course « Software Engineering »

Java 8
Android Studio
Scala 2.11
Play 2.5.8

“Will you build a relationship that stands the test of time ?”

PolyLove is an Android dating app to help EPFL and UNIL students meet! The app offers a unique approach to matchmaking, providing users with just one quality match per day. Once a day, the app matches two students and opens an anonymous chat where they can get to know each other, with more information gradually being revealed over the course of the day. If both love seekers are interested in each other, their identities are revealed at the end of the day, unless they prefer to start anew with a different match the next day.

Aim of the project

The goal of this 10-weeks project was to not only develop new technical abilities, but also to gain actual hands-on experience in teamwork and agile development. To achieve this, we had weekly scrum meetings with our supervisor, where one of the six team members would take on the role of scrum master and be responsible for planning, assigning, and managing the tasks for the upcoming week. Additionally, we worked to maintain a high and consistent code coverage rate by regularly writing test cases. Our target was to reach about 80% line coverage by the project deadline, and we were successful in reaching 75%.


  • Client - android-native app written in Java
  • Server - API written in Scala using the Play framework
  • Firebase messaging is used to send notifications

Professor: George Candea

PhD supervisor of the project: Amit Gupta

Discover the application

Première étape de la configuration Polylove, écran A propos de vous...
Deuxième étape de la configuration Polylove, écran Votre avatar
Ecran principal de Polylove avec liste des conversations
Conversation avec un autre utilisateur dans Polylove
Ecran des paramètres Polylove